The celebration of the Holy Mass
is the heart of our parish life

Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.

Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.

Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.

Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.

Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.

Holy Orders
Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.

Anointing of the Sick
Baptism (one of the three sacraments of initiation) is the means by which we are forgiven original sin, receive grace and become members of Christ’s Church.
At Baptism parents promise to raise their child in the practice of the faith, which means coming to Mass each Sunday, praying with your child and teaching them the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Parents must take a Baptism preparation course if this is their first child to be baptised. If you would like your child to be Baptised, please speak to Father Stuart or Deacon Jim or drop up an email and we'll be in touch regarding the next steps.