Support the parish of
Sacred Heart & St Gerard's
You can make a donation to the parish by contributing to the offertory collection at our Sunday Masses.
At the back of our church we have a contactless card reader where you can make a donation. Our contactless donations machine allows you to record your donation as Giftaid, if you have previously signed a giftaid form for the parish or to sign up for Giftaid. Sometimes it will ask you to insert your card into the bottom of the reader and insert your pin.
Standing Order
You may wish to set up a standing order with your bank to make a regular contribution. If you wish to donate to the parish via Internet Banking either weekly or through a regular donation our bank account details are: Diocese of Motherwell Sacred Heart & St Gerard’s,
Bank of Scotland
Account number: 15939268
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Online Donation
You can make a donation online through PAYA My Giving Hub
if you pay tax you can gift-aid your donation so the parish can receive an extra 20p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to yourself.