The history that has brought us to today
The founding of a new parish in Bellshill was announced from the pulpit in Holy Family, Mossend, on Sunday 19 September 1949.
Fr James Butler was named as Parish Priest and given the task of establishing and building a new church. Fr Niall Hayes, from All Hallows, Dublin, was named as his assistant. Fr Butler had served in Sacred Heart Bridgeton for 14 years and when he came to Bellshill, he asked that the new parish also be dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and be named 'The Sacred Heart'.​
The members of the Holy Family congregation who lived within the new parish boundaries were now members of 'The Sacred Heart', and to them fell the task of building the new Church under the able leadership of Fr Butler, Fr Hayes and Fr Augustine McCauley who was appointed in September 1950 from Maynooth, Ireland.
The people of Bellshill worked relentlessly, running functions, making collections, and supporting in every way the necessary fundraising.
The actual building of our Church was fraught with difficulties.
Church building in post war years was subject to a system of 'Church Building Licensing' and could not proceed without this licence. Also, all materials - particularly glass and wood - were scarce.
Despite this, Mr Corionder and the contractor, Mr L.B. White, ably supported by Mr Malcolm McKenzie, his foreman, and all his workforce, worked constantly and efficiently and, to their great credit, the new Church was completed just 18 months after its founding.
Fr James Butler described the building of The Sacred Heart Church as:
'A story of permits, of shortages, of heartbreaks, of hopes and dispair, but our faith was in God Almighty'.​
The cost of building the church was in the region of £20,000 - exclusive of decoration and furnishings.
The Solemn Opening of The Sacred Heart took place on Sunday 8th April 1951 - the second Sunday after Easter - presided by the Right Reverend Edward Douglas, Bishop of Motherwell
Several hours before the opening ceremony, A High Mass at noon, a crowd of hundreds gathered in the vicinity of the church. Entry was by ticket only, as there was only seating for about 700, and many dignitaries and special guests had to be accommodated. Therefore, the vast majority of the faithful had to be content to stand and watch from the outside. The police were in attendance to control the large throng and to make sure that the traffic moved smoothly as that area of Bellshill, 'The Angle', was a busy bus route.
Monsignor Rodgers V.G. was the celebrant, Fr John Gogarty, the deacon, and Fr Denis Garrity, the subdeacon. Fr Anthony Kilcoyne was the preacher and the M.C. was Fr John O'Donnell. The Sacred Heart Choir, with local tenor Tommy Donnelly, was conducted by Miss Margaret O'Neill and Miss Margaret Reid was the organist.
The Evening Service and Solemn Benedicition at six was celebrated by Fr James Donnelly, Fr Niall Hayes (deacon), Fr Augustine McCauley (sub-deacon). The Very Rev. Fr Kevin O.F.M. CAP, preached, and the music and singing was provided as at High Mass.
Sacred Heart Primary School opened in February 1957 with Mr James McDonald first Head Teacher. The official opening took place on 3rd June 1957, performed by Mr James Dempsey and dedicated by Bishop James Scanlan.
On 10th October 1958, the day after Pope Pius XII died, Father James Butler died suddenly aged only 53. He had been. a priest for 29 years. After his Requiem Mass on 13th October, the pupils of Sacred Heart Primary formed a guard of honour at the 'Angle' across from the Church as the large funeral procession made its way to St Patrick's Cemetery New Stevenson.
St Saviour's, the first Catholic Secondary School in Bellshill was opened within the boundary of Sacred Heart Parish in 1960. Prior to this, children of the parish travelled to St Patrick's New Stevenston. The school closed in 1977.
As the need for new housing in Bellshill still remained, the available land was now on the north side of the town and considerable building, both private and by the County Council, took place their in the 1960’s. This caused another hiving-off operation, and a new Parish was established to serve the growing Catholic community in the northern part of Bellshill.
The Parish of St Gerard was founded on 1st September 1967, under the charge of Father Patrick J. Moss, to serve the North Road & Hattonrigg area of Bellshill. Having within the boundary of the new Parish, one of the finest Maternity Hospitals in the country, naturally it was dedicated to St. Gerard Majella, Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers.
While awaiting construction of the present Church, the Parish was given the use of the former Noble Primary School, situated then to the right of the west end of Lynnburn Avenue, in the North Road, Bellshill. The Parish was given the use of the premises through the kind cop-operation of the Lanark County Council. The school was so named after a famous teacher, Alexander Noble, F.E.I.S. - Headmaster there for 51 years from 1873 until 1924 - who became a legend in his lifetime and who had the distinction of having a road in Bellshill named after him. In the building, three classrooms were converted into a pleasing little chapel. Other classrooms served as a centre for meetings and the usual parochial activities. All this was conducted by Father Moss and a faithful and hard-working Parish Council.
Rev. Patrick Moss initially lived in a council house in Mavisbank Gardens until the completion of the Presbytery. One of his first functions was to form a Parish Council whose primary aim was to help raise funds to clear the cost of the new Church and Presbytery, costing at that time in the region of £100,000. The Society of St Vincent de Paul was inaugurated to serve the new Parish, a Church Choir was established to lead the congregation in liturgical celebrations, a Women's Guild was formed and also a Youth Club.
Construction of the new St Gerard's Church building on Fleming Road, in the heart of the Shirrell housing estate began in December 1969 and was completed in May 1971.
This year also saw four Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy establish the first ever convent in Bellshill at 78/80 Crossgates. The four Sisters were Sr Stanislaus Sup (teaching), Sr Leonard, Sr John Bosco (Parish Ministry) and Sr Joseph Therese (teaching). The Sisters taught at Sacred Heart School and also undertook social work, nursing and helped in the parish generally. The Sister remained until 1985 when the Convent moved to Clydesdale Road, Mossend.
The official opening ceremony took place on Sunday, 13th June 1971, celebrated by Bishop Francis Thomson, the then Bishop of Motherwell. Since the opening of the Church and Presbytery, a Parish Hall and large car park have been added.
St Gerard's Primary School was opened on the ground to the north of the Church in August 1973. The first head teacher was Miss McGurk, whose brother, Father Thomas McGurk, was parish priest of Sacred Heart Parish from 1978-1983.
The new Cardinal Newman High School opened within the boundary of Sacred Heart Parish in August 1977 with the official opening taking place in February 1978 by Mr Richard Stewart, leader of Strathclyde Regional Council and dedicated by Mgr Philip Flannigan, parish priest of Sacred Heart.
The school was named after Cardinal John Henry Newman which was influenced by Mgr Flannigan, and encouraged by Father Moss, in recognition of Mgr Flannigan's ... of the now Saint. ​​
The new school replaced St Saviour's Secondary School, which also fell within the boundary of Sacred Heart Parish, and Elmwood Convent School in Bothwell, which both closed in 1977.
In February 1985 a second convent was established in Bellshill by Sister Benigna and Sister Lucille of the Sister of St Peter Claver Missionary Order at 57 Motherwell Road where they remain today.
It was in the same year that the Sister of St Joseph of Annecy moved their convent to Mossend.
On 16th May 1986 extensive damage was done to St Gerard's Church when the Sanctuary was completely destroyed by fire. The Church was closed for repair for several months and Mass was celebrated for Parishioners in St Gerard's Primary School on Sundays and in the Parish Hall on weekdays. The Church was reopened in time for Christmas 1986.
Around this time changes were made to the sanctuary in St Gerard's. Whilst the original Altar and Baptismal font were both retained, a new lectern, presidential chair and Altar Servers chairs were made. The original sanctuary furnishing was then used in the Marian Chapel. A new tabernacle and plinth were also installed and the green flock type paper on the reredos wall was replaced with a red curtain.
Sister Patrick Joseph from the Mossend Convent arrived as Pastoral Assistant at St Gerard's in September 1986, beginning the Sister of St Joseph of Annecy's connection with St Gerard's Parish. Sister Patrick Joseph remained in the parish until 1995.
Under the leadership of parish priest, Canon John Healy, Sacred Heart Church was refurbished. Two cry-chapels were installed at the back of the Church, the confessionals were enlarged and the old cry-chapel, which was the original baptistry, became the new stall. The sanctuary furnishings were also replaced with a new altar, pulpit, lectern and wall-mounted side altars installed whilst the reredos curtain was removed and wood panelling added to the wall and the sanctuary completely carpeted.
The cry-chapels were removed in 2021 and with the refurbishment of the Church in 2024, the confessionals were returned to their original design and the stall removed to make a larger porch area. The sanctuary has also been restored to the original wood flooring. The altar furniture remains in use today.
A Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated on 16th October 1996, the Feast of St Gerard Majella, to mark the Silver Jubilee of the opening of St Gerard's Church.
Six stained glass windows were installed in the sanctuary of Sacred Heart Church depicting: St Columba, the Resurrection and the Holy Trinity on the left and St Andrew, the Holy Family and Our Lady on the right.
Sacred Heart Parish celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the opening of Sacred Heart Church with a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Joseph Devine on 20th May 2001.
The decision was made by the Order of St Joseph of Annecy to close the Mossend Convent ending the Sisters 101 year old presence in Scotland and their 38 years of ministry in the Bellshill area. St Gerard's Parish bid a sad farewell to Sister Brigid who had served as Pastoral Assistant in the parish since 1999.
Father Kevin McGoldrick, parish priest of Sacred Heart Parish was appointed to serve, in addition, as Parish Priest of St Gerard's meaning the two parishes were now linked and shared one priest.
The community of St Gerard's Parish celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the parish with a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Joseph Toal on 1st September 2017.
On 14th November 2018, the two parishes of Sacred Heart Bellshill and St Gerard's Bellshill were formally amalgamated to become the new parish of Sacred Heart & St Gerard.
A statue of Our Lady of Knock was installed in St Gerard's Church in memory of Canon Timothy Brosnan, the longest serving parish priest of St Gerard's, who retired after 27 years in 2011 and died in 2018. Canon Brosnan also served as an Assistant Priest in Sacred Heart Church for five years in the 1970's. The statue is now in place in Sacred Heart Church.
A Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated by Bishop Toal on 13th June 2021 to mark the Golden Jubilee of the opening of St Gerard's Church, although covid restriction at the time meant it was a smaller celebration than normal.
After 53 years serving the community, the decision was made to close St Gerard's Church owing to major repairs required in both Churches and a decline in parishioner numbers.
On 24th November 2024, the community gathered in St Gerard's Church for the final time for a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Toal.
Two days later on 26th November 2024, a special Mass of Blessing was celebrated in Sacred Heart Church to mark the reopening after the closure of the Church for over a year for refurbishment. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Catholic Church in Bellshill as it returned once again to having only one parish and one Church.