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Sacred Heart Church

A tour of our parish Church

Sacred Heart Church opened in June 1951. Over the years a lot has changed, most recently in 2024 when a major refurbishment programme was undertaken. 


The Church was originally designed to accommodate around 700 people. 


In 1955 the Presbytery next to the Church was built and in 1967 the Parish Hall was opened. Due to structural issues the Hall was demolished in 2024.


In 1991, under Canon John Healy, new sanctuary furniture was made including a new Altar, Pulpit, Presidential chair, Servers chairs,  Baptismal Font, Tabernacle plinth and two side altars. Two cry chapels were also installed at the back of the Church, the original baptistry, which was then used as a cry chapel, became the new stall and the confessionals at the back of the church were both extended. 


In 1999, under Canon Andrew Reen, six new stained glass windows were installed in the sanctuary and in 2000 the remaining windows in the church were replaced with new memorial windows dedicated to deceased parishioners. 


The cry chapels were removed in 2021.


​As part of the 2024 renovations, the entire ceiling was ripped out and replaced with a new wooden ceiling.


Over the years the sanctuary had been extended and modified and in recent years had been entirely carpeted. When the renovation works began it was found that the original oak sanctuary flooring was still in good condition and so the sanctuary was returned to its original shape and size and the wood was revarnished and is now in use again. 


A number of treasures and artefacts from St Gerard's Church were incorporated into the newly renovated Church with the statue of Our Lady and Child from St Gerard's replacing the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. The stations of the Cross from St Gerard's are now hung in Sacred Heart Church. At the back of the church, two new plinths were installed either side of the entrance where the statues of St Gerard and Our Lady are now homed. 


The original sacristy and servers sacristy were converted into a new meeting room and storage room. The priests vestry is now located in a small room at the entrance of the Church with the servers room opposite. The confessional at the front of the church is now the working sacristy. The stall was removed to open up the entrance porch and make a larger area meanwhile the confessionals at the back of the Church have been returned to their original design. 


The original pipe organ, which had outlived its shelf life, was sold to another church and the original choir loft has been redecorated to provide additional seating. The removal of the organ has opened up the main window allowing more light into the building. A new organ was installed at the rear of the ground floor of the church. 


The sanctuary area has been painted in a deep red colour to tie in with the wood used throughout the building. The red is also fittingly the colour associated with the Sacred Heart and in keeping with the colour scheme most familiar with St Gerard's Church. 

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